Sept 20 – 22, 


The Animation Conference (TAC)

This animation business forum is designed for professionals in content creation, development, production, distribution and marketing. TAC brings together key players in North America and international markets and provides a forum for active networking, practical information exchange, and trade in a comfortable and intimate environment.  Running alongside the OIAF, attendees also get access to some of the world’s best talent in animation.   

Make Connections

TAC is one of the best industry events you’ll find for networking.  Make solid connections at organized pitching events and casual parties.

Don’t miss favourite events such as Mercury Filmwork’s Pitch THIS! and Fast Track, presented by Spin Master, a speed-meeting session that gets you in front of the buyers and production executives you want to meet.

The Toon Boom Boat Cruise is the perfect opportunity to catch up with other TAC delegates in an informal and intimate setting. This 2-hour sightseeing cruise tours Parliament Hill, The Canadian Museum of History, Rideau Falls, and other popular sites in the beautiful Capital.  We heard this year’s event will be out of this world. The Boat Cruise shuttle service runs from 4:15 pm – 5:00 pm from 1 Rideau Street.

Join IDA Ireland and the Ottawa Film Office for a delicious lunch on the Wednesday and Thursday of TAC.   For an end-of-the-day toast on Thursday – head to Jackson Café, 10 Daly Avenue, for the Directors Guild of Canada 5 à 7.


New this year!  Art + Biz moves to the National Arts Centre (NAC) on Friday morning for some exciting programming that will help all creators find their career paths.
OIAF in partnership with the BRIC Foundation presents Art + Biz Day: BRIC @ TAC. With support from CMF, Nickelodeon, Studio Smokescreen, and Warner Brothers Discovery Access, Art + Biz Day includes a full morning of programming focused on breaking, reinventing, impacting, and changing the animation industry.
Open to all TAC and Animapass holders.  Learn more at:

Afterwards, jump on a double-decker bus at Arts Court, 2 Daly Avenue, to go to the Warner Bros. Animation and Cartoon Network Studios Animators’ Picnic.  




TAC 2023 features a line-up of talks to help you navigate the animation industry today.




TAC Day 1 Schedule

Chateau Laurier, 1 Rideau Street

9:00 am – 11:40 am Pitch THIS! Semi-Finals

9:30 am – 9:45 am TAC Opening Remarks

9:50 am – 10:40 am Paw Patrol: The House That Paw Built

11:00 am – 11:50 am Kids of the Future: What Producers and Creators Need to Know

12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Luncheon presented by IDA Ireland

1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Fast Track Session 1

1:30 pm – 2:20 pm Co-production: Creating a Common Culture

3:00 pm – 4:00 pm Fast Track Session 2

2:30 pm – 3:20 pm Working Towards Well-Being in Animation

3:30 pm – 4:20 pm Diversity: Achieving Authentic Representation

4:15 pm – 5:00 pm Toon Boom Boat Cruise shuttle service from 1 Rideau Street

5:30 pm – 7:30 pm Toon Boom Boat Cruise, Ottawa River

Wednesday, September 20:  Panels and Activities


9:50 am to 10:40 am
Paw Patrol: The House That Paw Built

Paw Patrol is celebrating its 10th year anniversary.  Learn about the trajectory of this homegrown Canadian phenomenon that’s taken the world by storm and the creative relationship between the creators at Spin Master and animation studio Guru. What is in the future for Spin Master?

Dan Mokriy, VP of Production, Spin Master
Alexandra Kavalova, Senior Director Visual Development & Production Design, Spin Master
Jason McKenzie, Creative Executive, Spin Master
Frank Falcone, President and Executive Creative Director, Guru Studio

Lance LeFort, President, LeFort Talent Group




11:00 am to 11:50 am
Kids of the Future: What Producers and Creators Need to Know

How will kids be watching and interacting with animation in the future? What do producers and storytellers need to consider to ensure that their shows will resonate with new generations of kids? Join expert David Kleeman, as he shares insights on kids evolving preferences, and moderates a thought-provoking discussion with top animation professionals.

David Kleeman, Senior VP, Global Trends, Dubit
Steve Couture, CEO, Epic Storyworlds
Lauren Martinez, Vice President, Original Series and Movie Development, Warner Bros. Media and Cartoon Network Studio
Martha Sepulveda, Senior Development Executive, Cake Entertainment

David Kleeman, Senior VP, Global Trends, Dubit



12:00 pm to 1:30 pm
Luncheon with IDA Ireland

Canadian Room

Enjoy a delicious meal with your fellow delegates and find out why Ireland’s passion for storytelling and the arts, world-class talent pool, ease of doing business, and animation tax credits have created a culture perfectly suited for world-class animation studios to thrive.



1:30 pm to 2:20 pm

Co-production: Creating a Common Culture

Hear from experienced co-producers, who will share best practices for good communication and creative collaboration during a co-pro. Learn how to navigate co-pro roadblocks, and more on the pros, cons, and the future of co-production.

Karen Fowler,  Vice President. Development & Production, 9 Story Media Group
Rick Morrison, President, Big Jump Entertainment
Mark Edwards, Managing Partner, Edwards Creative Law
Ghislain Cyr, Creative Director – Executive Producer, Sphere Animation

Sandrine Pechels de Saint Sardos, Ottawa Film Commissioner, Ottawa Film Office



2:30 pm to 3:20 pm

Working Towards Well-Being in Animation

Positive mental health increases workplace satisfaction and productivity. This panel looks at how companies are promoting well-being in their workspace and focuses on issues specific to the animation industry. The panel will include companies prioritizing mental health, highlighting their initiatives and observed benefits. It will also present tools and trainings available to the industry at large.

Virginie Lavallée, Co-Founder, The Happy Producers
Anja Sobkowska, Director of Production, Mercury Filmworks
Sue Jung, Head of Talent Acquisition, Guru Studio
David Hubert, Co-Founder & CEO, Agora Studio

Louis-Philippe (LP) Vermette, Co-Founder, The Happy Producers



3:30 pm to 4:20 pm

Diversity: Achieving Authentic Representation

The panel looks at two productions that include themes or characters that represent diversity. Hear from key creatives and how they strive for authentic representation on screen.

Andrea Griffith, VP of Content and Development, Sphere Media – Kids and Family
Jerry Thevenet, President, JerryCo Animation
Tanya Kelen, Founder & CEO, Kelencontent


Kulbinder Saran Caldwell, Founder & CEO, REALLIFE Pictures Inc



5:30 pm to 7:30 pm

(4:15 pm bus shuttle leaves from the Château Laurier)
Toon Boom Boat Cruise

The perfect opportunity to catch up with other TAC delegates and grow your network in an informal and intimate setting. This 2-hour sightseeing cruise tours Parliament Hill, the Canadian Museum of History, Rideau Falls, and other popular sites in the beautiful Capital. Guests will be treated to drinks and charcuterie.



TAC Day 2 Schedule

Chateau Laurier, 1 Rideau Street

9:30 am – 10:30 am Broadcasters: What’s on their Wishlist

9:30 am – 10:30 am Fast Track Session 3

11:00 am – 11:50 am State of the Industry: Thriving in Disruption

11:00 am – 12:00 pm Fast Track Session 4

12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Luncheon presented by the Ottawa Film Office

1:30 pm – 2:20 pm Putting the AI in Animation

1:30 pm – 2:30 pm New Korean Projects in the Spotlight

2:30 pm – 3:20 pm From Pencils to Pixels: 30 Years of Animation with Toon Boom

2:30 pm – 3:30 pm Korea X Canada Meetings (preregistration required)

3:30 pm – 4:00 pm Coffee & Cake Break 

4:00 pm – 5:00 pm Pitch THIS! Finale 

5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Directors Guild of Canada 5 à 7, Jackson Café, 10 Daly Avenue

Thursday, September 21:   Panels and Activities

9:30 am to 10:30 am
Broadcasters: What’s on their Wishlist?

Meet decision-makers from kids’ networks as they share their current and upcoming priorities. David Kleeman leads the discussion about what motivates their preferences and how best to reach out to them.

Lisa Cinelli, Executive in Charge of Production, Children’s and Youth Programming, Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC)
Athena Georgaklis, Vice President Nelvana Studios, Nelvana / Corus Kids
Niki Williams, Sr Manager, Production and Development for Pre-K Nickelodeon
Tommy Gillespie, Senior Director, Content Production, PBS KIDS
Kirsten Hurd, Commissioning Editor, Kids TV, TVOKids


David Kleeman, Senior VP, Global Trends, Dubit



11:00 am – 11:50 am

State of the Industry: Thriving in Disruption

Last year, animation studios and production companies were gearing up for expansion. This year, things have been moving in another direction. Panellists from top Canadian animation companies reflect on industry trends and how to stay resilient and thrive when the only thing constant is change. Moderated by industry innovator Archita Ghosh.

Jennifer Twiner McCarron, CEO, Atomic Cartoons/Thunderbird Entertainment, Atomic Cartoons
Frank Falcone, President and Executive Creative Director, Guru Studio
Athena Georgaklis, Vice President Nelvana Studios, Nelvana / Corus Kids
François Houde, CFO & Co-owner, Squeeze Studio Animation
Tori Coulthart, Senior VP of Production, Jam Filled Entertainment

Archita Ghosh, Media and Entertainment Business Consultant



12 pm to 1:30 pm
Luncheon with the Ottawa Film Office

Canadian Room

Have a delicious lunch and celebrate Ottawa’s animation industry.



1:30 pm to 2:20 pm
Putting the AI in Animation

Kidscreen’s Ryan Tuchow talks with panellists that are using AI or exploring the options. The group will talk about their initiatives and weigh in on benefits and risks, and what to expect in the near and distant future.

Cory Bobiak, Creative Director (Toronto), Brown Bag Films, 9 Story Media
Paul Pattison, Founder, CEO, Relish
Neal McDougall, Assistant Executive Director, Writers Guild of Canada


Ryan Tuchow, News Editor, Kidscreen



1:30 pm to 2:30 pm
New Korean Projects in the Spotlight

Presented in partnership with Korea Creative Content Agency (KOCCA) and PILabs

MacDonald Room

Korea and Canada make a co-production dream team. See 5 new Korean projects actively seeking partnerships.

Eunji Lee, Hana and Molly, 5Bricks Animation Studio
Hojin Lee and Dong ah Seo, Sea Pups, Studio TNT
Jinyong Kim, FoodRANGERS, MOnE Animation
Jongseok Baek, The Headers in Wonderland, AroundEffect
Sejin Han, Coney Circus, Circus Image Works



2:30 pm to 3:20 pm
Toon Boom: From Pencils to Pixels: 30 Years of Animation

Toon Boom Animation, the developers of Harmony and Storyboard Pro, invite you to a panel discussion on how animation production pipelines have changed over the past 30 years. Learn from studio owners and veteran industry professionals who have seen and shaped the animation industry’s transition to digital technologies. Hear about challenges and successes, insights and advice, as well as how they navigated their studios to adapt to an ever-changing industry, in this panel commemorating Toon Boom Animation’s 30th anniversary.

Neil Hunter, Co-Coordinator / Professor, Animation, Algonquin College
Patrick Paradis, Director, Atomic Cartoons
Phil Lafrance, Creative Director / Co-Founder, Jam Filled Entertainment

Marc-André Bouvier, Senior Product Manager, Toon Boom Animation



Art + Biz Day

Sept. 22, 2023

Presented by:

Art + Biz Day: BRIC @ TAC

Helping all creators find their career path


OIAF in partnership with BRIC Foundation presents Art + Biz Day: BRIC @ TAC at the National Arts Centre (NAC) 1 Elgin Street.  With support from CMF, Nickelodeon, Studio Smokescreen, and Warner Bros. Discovery Access Canada, Art + Biz Day includes a full morning of programming focused on breaking, reinventing, impacting, and changing the animation industry. Open to all TAC and Animapass passholders.

BRIC Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit company dedicated to increasing representation in Entertainment, Gaming, Media and Tech. Founded in 2018 by Alison Mann, Nicole Hendrix, and Jill Gilbert, BRIC Foundation was created to change how entertainment companies approach and discuss hiring around diversity. By teaming up with Education, Government, Non-Profit, and Industry partners, BRIC is proud to be creating equitable pathways for future generations of diverse creators to tell their stories and make an impact on the world. More information can be found here:

TAC Day 3 Schedule

National Arts Centre (NAC), 1 Elgin Street

8:30 am – 9:30 am Art + Biz Breakfast

9:30 am – 10:15 am Kris Wimberly on Reinventing your Career

10:30 am – 11:15 am Spotlight on ONLY YOU: An Animated Shorts Collection

11:30 am – 12:15 pm The Art of Pitching You

11:40 am – 12:30 pm Meet a Mentor Sessions

12:30 pm – 12:45 pm Animators’ Picnic shuttle pick up at Arts Court, 2 Daly Avenue

8:30 am – 9:30 am

Art + Biz Breakfast

Presented in partnership with CMF

Canada Room Foyer, NAC

Start your Friday at TAC over at the NAC with a Networking Breakfast presented by Canada Media Fund (CMF), with coffee service presented by Nickelodeon. Head into the weekend reconnecting with fellow TAC attendees and meet new ones. 

9:30 am – 10:15 am

Kris Wimberly on Reinventing Your Career

Presented in partnership with Studio Smokescreen

Canada Room, NAC

The morning begins with an inspiring keynote presentation featuring Kris Wimberly, co-founder and Head of Creative for Studio Smokescreen, moderated by The BRIC Foundation’s Alison Mann. Join Kris and Alison as they discuss Kris’ unconventional career path which began with him as a custodian at Disneyland, and through determination and perseverance, he broke into the animation industry from an entry-level position to co-founding Studio Smokescreen.  

10:30 am – 11:15 am

Spotlight on ONLY YOU: An Animated Shorts Collection

Presented in partnership with Warner Bros. Discovery Access Canada

Canada Room, NAC

The “Only You: An Animated Shorts Collection” is the result of the Max x WBD Access Animated Shorts Program, which launched in 2022 as a pipeline program to provide animators from underrepresented communities with a production budget, resources, and executive mentorship to develop and execute their original animated short films. Join filmmakers from the program for a panel reflecting on the process to get their films made and distributed and how this has changed their careers and artistic practice. 

Moderated by Amanda Miller, Producer, PsyOp and Executive Producer, Max series “Only You: An Animated Shorts Collection”

Guest speakers: 

Yellowbird (dirs. Tsvetelina Zdraveva, Jerred North, United States)

Burning Rubber (dir. Chris Fequiere, writ. Dara King, United States)

Kimotiwin: The Act Of Stealing (dirs. Caeleigh Lightning, Keara Lightning), United States)

11:30 am – 12:15 pm

The Art of Pitching You

Presented in partnership with BRIC Foundation

Canada Room, NAC

Speaker: Alison Mann (Co-Founder, BRIC Foundation & Talent Manager and President of Fourth Wall Animation at Fourth Wall Management)

Alison Mann will introduce the Meet a Mentor Sessions which will take place in Le Salon, where you can get real-time feedback from industry experts. While you wait for your turn, Alison will lead an invaluable talk about how to build a personal brand and navigate your personal career pathway in an impactful way.

11:40 – 12:30 pm

Meet a Mentor Sessions

Presented in partnership with BRIC Foundation

Venue: Le Salon, National Arts Centre (NAC)

Are you an emerging creator looking to forge connections at the OIAF? Sign up for Meet a Mentor Sessions at Art + Biz Day: BRIC @ TAC! Entry-level members of the animation industry can sign up for a 10-minute meeting with a studio representative. Priority access will be given to participants from underserved communities. These are meetings where participants can ask for demo reel reviews, pitching advice, gain portfolio feedback, and make new connections in the animation industry.

Please note that pre-registration for Meet a Mentor Sessions closed on Monday, September 18th at 12:00pm ET.

Participating Mentors:

Amanda Miller, Producer, PsyOp and Executive Producer (United States)

Curtis Lelash, Head of Film/TV, Supercell (United States)

Dave Padbury, Development Executive, Guru Studio, Canada

Emerald Wright-Collie, Director of Development, Sony Pictures Television Kids (United States)

Emma Gignac, Supervising Director Mercury Filmworks (Canada)

Jana Day, Animation Recruiter/Sourcer, Nickelodeon Animation Studios (United States)

Kris Pearn, Director, Sony Pictures Animation (Canada)

Kris Wimberly, President & Head of Creative, Studio Smokescreen (United States)

Marney Malabar, Consultant, Malabar Creative Consulting (Canada)

Melissa Lyn, Animation Supervisor, Mercury Filmworks (Canada)

Niki Williams, Sr. Manager, Production & Development, Nick Jr (United States)

Shamisa Schroeder, Senior Animator, Mercury Filmworks (Canada)




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